Letter: More civility is needed in letters to editor


I read Fred Wilferth’s latest missive (March 20 letter to the editor) with some interest. Mr. Wilferd makes some valid points – others with which, as a professional historian well versed in “world history 101,” I would disagree.

What I object to, however, is the labelling, name-calling and condescension. They do very little to strengthen any argument and it seems to me that we see more than enough of this sort of rhetoric on the national political stage. And in terms of the topic at hand, we are just dealing with history here – can’t we just disagree and calmly explain why? After all, we on Whidbey Island are in fact not divided into the Assyrians vs. the Babylonians.

We are all in this together. Perhaps a little more civility, particularly in this already super-heated campaign season, might be in order.

Dr. Bernd J Fischer

Oak Harbor