Letter: Trump is not a threat to democracy


I am curious what Donald Trump has actually done that is a threat to democracy? I am not interested in the media talking points that he encouraged an attack on congress when there were questions concerning the last election. His speech on January 6th does not rise to insurrection or incitement even though the left would have us believe it was the closest thing to the shelling of Fort Sumpter in our lifetime. Anyone who watched the curious machinations of illegitimate rule changes, secretive ballot counts and delayed vote counts might question the validity, but even so, on January 20th President Trump did what every other president of my lifetime has done and left the White House.

That Trump looked at his presidency as a businessman instead of an entrenched bureaucrat was the real danger to those who pull the levers of power. Getting the job done was more important than whose back got scratched. Other than some unpolitic tweets, his policies were good for the country and the world in general. He protected the country’s border, contrary to the wishes of his opponents who quickly opened the border to all comers. The radical Iranian threat was without money, the economy was growing with people on the low end of the scale rising more quickly than ever before. The Covid attack on the world came and was met with a vaccine production at light speed, even though the experts said that it would take years to develop. The anti-Trumpers refused to take the vaccine because of Trump’s push to develop it, then demanded everyone take it when Biden claimed credit for its effectiveness.

While using the pandemic as an excuse for draconian measures, Biden inflated the economy, destroyed small businesses, fired essential workers for not getting the vaccine even if they had already contracted the disease, and shut down schools, putting a generation of children in jeopardy.

Thus, I would like someone to give me a real reason why Trump is a threat, and why I should vote otherwise.

Fred Wilferth
