The following are Whidbey Island Fair exhibit and competition award winners, listed by name, city of residence, class description and placing.
Junior 4-H poultry
Julian Cook, Freeland, showmanship poultry waterfowl, grand; Erica McGrath, Clinton, showmanship poultry waterfowl, reserve; Nikki Murnane, Clinton, one pullet standard chicken, best land fowl; Kyra Levit, Langley, one hen standard chicken, reserve land fowl; Erica McGrath, Clinton, one hen bantam chicken, reserve bantam; Cristina McGrath, Clinton, small eggs, reserve eggs
Intermediate 4-H poultry
Aurora Coffey, Langley, showmanship poultry waterfowl, reserve; Oona Coffey, Langley, showmanship poultry waterfowl, grand; Aurora Coffey, Langley, one hen bantam chicken, best bantam
Senior 4-H poultry
Adrian Cook, Freeland, showmanship poultry waterfowl, reserve; Jameson Cook, Freeland, showmanship poultry waterfowl, grand; Adrian Cook, Freeland, old female duck, reserve waterfowl; Adrian Cook, Freeland, old drake, best waterfowl; Adrian Cook, Freeland, large eggs; best eggs
Junior 4-H dogs
Kelly Cash, Greenbank, showmanship, reserve; Mikaela Nelson, Clinton, showmanship, grand; Kelly Cash, Greenbank, showmanship – brace, grand; James Cash, Greenbank, team obedience, grand; Kelly Cash, Greenbank, novice Rally-o, grand
Intermediate 4-H dogs
Elli Dubendorf, Langley, showmanship, reserve; Travis Peterson, Oak Harbor, showmanship, reserve; Olivia Varga, Fairbanks, showmanship, grand; Ainsley Nelson, Clinton, showmanship-special, grand; Ainsley Nelson, Clinton, brace showmanship, grand; Elli Dubendorf, Langley, novice Rally-O, grand; Laura Miller, Langley, advanced Rally-O, grand
Senior 4-H dogs
Rebecca Krider, Oak Harbor, showmanship, grand; Renee Ross, Oak Harbor, showmanship, reserve; Carly Hall, Oak Harbor, showmanship-special, grand; Shelby Lubchuk, Clinton, showmanship-special, reserve; Shelby Lubchuk, Clinton, brace showmanship, grand; Sam Mutschler, Langley, brace showmanship, reserve; Carly Hall, Oak Harbor, pre-novice B, reserve; Cassie Pfannenstiel, Oak Harbor, pre-Novice B, grand; Shelby Lubchuk, team obedience, grand; Cassie Pfannenstiel, Oak Harbor, team obedience, grand; Renee Ross, Oak Harbor, team obedience, grand; Rebecca Krider, Oak Harbor, novice Rally-O, grand; Cassie Pfannenstiel, Oak Harbor, novice Rally-O, reserve; Carly Hall, Oak Harbor, advanced Rally-O, grand
4-H cats
Wynter Arndt, Coupevile, showmanship junior, junior grand; Justin Engle, Coupeville, showmanship junior, junior reserve; Knight Arndt, Coupeville, showmanship intermediate, intermediate grand; Logan Peterson, Oak Harbor, showmanship intermediate, intermediate reserve/grand; Knight Arndt, Coupeville, household pet-long hair, best of show; Wynter Arndt, Coupeville, household pet-short hair, reserve grand; Logan Peterson, Oak Harbor, household pet-short hair, reserve; Knight Arndt, Coupeville, junior cat agility, intermediate grand; Wynter Arndt, Coupeville, junior cat agility, junior grand
Junior 4-H alpaca/llama
Juliette Wood, Clinton, showmanship, grand; Cristina McGrath, Clinton, trail obstacles, grand; Erica McGrath, Clinton, trail obstacles, reserve; Cristina McGrath, Clinton, skills contest, grand; Isabelle Wood, Clinton, skills contest, reserve; Juliette Wood, Clinton, alpaca fleece adult, grand
Intermediate 4-H alpaca/llama
Ella Wood, Clinton, showmanship, grand; Ella Wood, Clinton, public relations, grand; Ella Wood, Clinton, trail obstacles, grand; Ella Wood, Clinton, skill contest, grand; Ella Wood, Clinton, alpaca fleece adult, reserve