LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Accountability already exists on Whidbey

To the editor:

In comment to all of the PUD talk. I live on Camano Island and have been reading about everything about Whidbey wanting to have their own PUD.

I want to make sure that it is clear about some things that, well, I am not sure if the people realize.

First I have a public utility right now, now keep in mind I, of course, pay my bill on time with Snohomish County PUD … but things are a little bit different with a PUD once you have one.

First, all of you upset customers can go to the attorney general and to the utilities commission when you have a problem. If you create your own public utility you WILL NOT have that availability any longer. The buck stops with whatever supervisor you get, and that’s it.

Lastly, just to make it clear, I have not heard any comment of who is going to pay for your venture. All I can say is I on Camano Island am not going to benefit from your PUD and honestly, I envy your service over there. You can pay your bills online, you have electronic metering, most of your meters are read every day and you can view your usage online and you’re billed every month.

Me? I have some person that comes out every two months and reads my meter.

Anyway all I am saying is Snohomish PUD’s service is YEARS behind PSE’s (used to have them) and honestly? The rates everywhere are going up. And I REALLY think you guys over there are overreacting.

At least you guys have a governing agency over your utility. Mine just does or doesn’t do whatever they feel like it. Mine doesn’t really have any motivation to make service better because they are publicly owned.

Adam Farr

Camano Island