The west entrance to Langley on Third Street is known for its beautiful flowering plum trees. The trees will continue to flower because of a grant from the Whidbey Island Garden Tour.
The city of Langley was a 2008 recipient from the June garden tour.
“We requested the replacement of five of the plum trees that had been damaged or diseased,” said Challis Stringer, the city director of public works.
The replacement trees had to be purchased and planted in the spring. With the success of this year’s garden tour, the city received $185 to cover the cost of the trees.
“I also want to thank the five Langley residents who volunteered their time to help with the garden tour as part of the grant award,” said Stringer.
Trees are also planned as part of the street improvements on Anthes Street. A Langley resident has made an anonymous pledge of $1,000 to purchase trees.
“Our community has many people generous with their time and support to improve our city,” said Langley Mayor Paul Samuelson. “I have great appreciation for the anonymous donor and for all the volunteer effort that goes into the Whidbey Island Garden Tour. It makes an incredible difference in our community.”