Langley gives away free water kits

The city of Langley is offering free water-conservation kits to any household hooked up to city water.

The city of Langley is offering free water-conservation kits to any household hooked up to city water.

The kits can help residents decrease their water usage and lower their water bills, and are also a plus for the city budget by reducing the energy needed to operate Langley’s wells.

The kit includes low-flow devices for faucets and showers, plus leak-detection tables for toilets. Instructions are included, but those who need help in using the kits should let the city know.

The program is funded through the city’s water conservation budget, mandated by the state Department of Health.

The kits are available at city hall. City hall is open Mondays through Thursdays from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.