LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Marina and pool will waste tax dollars

To the editor:

I wholeheartedly agree with Emily Schmidt’s letter to the editor Aug. 20 urging voters to vote no on the two proposed “pet” projects that the politicians want the citizens of South Whidbey to pay for.

First the proposed $8 million Langley Marina would be utilized by a select few.

Secondly the proposed $15 million pool/swim center. They are not needed and as Ms. Schmidt stated there are plenty of lakes, ponds, and salt water beaches to go to. Also, the athletic club in Freeland has a pool, as does Oak Harbor.

These projects are being proposed to the voters at a time when people’s homes are being foreclosed on, more people are utilizing the food bank and other charitable services and the unemployment rate is up. All of these things are occurring on Whidbey Island. City, county, state and even the federal government is dealing with budget shortfalls. In the last election voters voted down a proposal that would have provided for the fire district to hire and staff the firefighters with one or two personnel that would have enabled emergency personnel to respond in a more timely fashion to calls. This is something that should have been approved but was voted down.

We do not need a marina for a select few nor a pool which would become a white elephant. I urge all to vote no against this waste of tax dollars.

Ed Clark
