To the editor:
Robert Turner’s letter stated Obama’s trip to Mumbai was going to cost us $2 billion and involved 34 ships for a 10-day trip.
Only in the worlds of Michele Bachman, Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh is it true.
After a little Googling, the story seems to have started with a “top unnamed official in the Maharashtra government.” It then became fact at Faux News.
The White House said the $2 billion number is a “long trip from reality.” How about the 34-ship armada? The Pentagon says, “That’s just comical.” The GAO says a 12-day trip to Africa in 1998 by President Clinton cost $3.6 million per day.
Finally, Robert Turner says Obama has plunged us $13-plus trillion into debt. That is the total sum of all of our presidents to date, including $2-plus trillion to date for wars started by President Bush.
Mr. Turner says he is not “racist.” I don’t know if that is true or not, but he is easily fooled.
Lloyd Jackson