Penn Cove Productions presents “Postcards from Whidbey Island Holiday Hoopla,” a musical, comedy, variety radio show directed by Elizabeth Herbert and performed before a live audience at 7 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 17 and 3 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 18 in Coupeville.
Featured with the Mighty Penn Cove Players this month is Jazz Haus, a jazz combo of students from South Whidbey High School.
The show will be presented at Pacific NW Art School, 15 NW Birch St.
Tickets are $15 each and seating is limited. Pre-purchase tickets at Anchor Books in Clinton, Book Bay in Freeland, Local Grown and Linds Drugs in Coupeville, and Bayleaf in Oak Harbor.
Penn Cove Productions is a member of the Whidbey Island Arts Council. For more information, call 206-612-3011 or email