LETTER TO THE EDITOR | Pope deserves applause on climate change position

Editor, I have never been a regular church attendee, but must applaud the current pope for singling out human-made climate change as an issue that must be addressed. His strong stance also reflects some local congregations on the island that have made known their dedication to get off fossil fuels and go green. A global issue, right enough, but the implications for the Pacific Northwest are dire if we as a species leave unchecked this climate crisis.


I have never been a regular church attendee, but must applaud the current pope for singling out human-made climate change as an issue that must be addressed. His strong stance also reflects some local congregations on the island that have made known their dedication to get off fossil fuels and go green.

A global issue, right enough, but the implications for the Pacific Northwest are dire if we as a species leave unchecked this climate crisis.

Why don’t we back a national initiative to put a price on carbon emissions at the source and distribute this fee as rebate to each household giving us a windfall each year? It would signal the markets now is the time for renewable energy to really take off. Let’s end our pollution of the planet and create a safe, clean world for future generations. Now, that’s a legacy!

