EDITORIAL | Langley rabbit discussion was long overdue

The South Whidbey School District this week said it was considering spending up to $55,000 on fencing to combat Langley’s bunny problem. This is both disappointing and encouraging news. It’s disappointing that taxpayers may shoulder such a huge bill to address the cuddly hot potato other leaders have declined to touch, but it’s encouraging to see a public agency finally taking steps to address what is clearly an out-of-control rabbit population.

The South Whidbey School District this week said it was considering spending up to $55,000 on fencing to combat Langley’s bunny problem.

This is both disappointing and encouraging news. It’s disappointing that taxpayers may shoulder such a huge bill to address the cuddly hot potato other leaders have declined to touch, but it’s encouraging to see a public agency finally taking steps to address what is clearly an out-of-control rabbit population.

It’s doubtful school officials are overly excited about leading this conversation, as many are quick to defend Bugs and his legion of compatriots and the school district could quickly be villainized as an Elmer Fudd of Langley. They shouldn’t be. It’s the district’s responsibility to safeguard not only public property but also to ensure the health and well being of students.

Administrators say students have been injured by the rabbit-related field issues, and everyone’s heard residents’ complaints of bunnies causing thousands of dollars in damages to landscaping. They’re not that cute, at least not in our opinion. We’re not issuing a warrant for Bug’s head, but a serious discussion on the matter was overdue and we congratulate the school district for taking this bold step.