To the editor:
Just as the effects of a challenging economy are felt by families in every community, cancer, too, has a far-reaching impact. No matter how the stock market is performing or what the current unemployment rate may be, there are still many people battling a cancer diagnosis and many others who are lending support alongside loved ones every day. These realities make the dollars donated and volunteer hours devoted to the American Cancer Society—a part of Whidbey Island for many years—critically important.
Local volunteers are a huge part of a nationwide effort to save lives from cancer, but additional people are needed for the progress to continue. Plans are being finalized for the society’s annual fundraiser, Relay For Life, which will be held at North Whidbey Middle School, Oak Harbor on May 31 and June 1. The money raised at Relay for Life enables the American Cancer Society to deliver on its mission of helping people stay well, helping people get well, finding cures and fighting back against the disease.
Relay provides the society with money to support vital, cutting-edge cancer research, such as Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle; provides cancer patients with free wigs, transportation to treatment, free lodging at our Hope Lodge; publishes lifesaving literature on cancer prevention, detection and tobacco control; and develops a new generation of medicines that help those battling cancer.
Now is the time for individuals, families, community groups, corporations and small businesses to join us celebrate those who have battled cancer, remember those lost, fight back against the disease, and help the American Cancer Society realize its vision of a world with less cancer and more birthdays.
For more information on our relay, to donate or to sign up to be on a team, visit
We will see you on the track!
Angela Wood,
publicity chair,
Whidbey Island Relay for Life