LETTER TO THE EDITOR | Your ideas, assistance is needed

To the editor:

Island County residents, you’ve read the recent headlines, you have heard the dire reports on the news, you KNOW everyone is preparing for challenging times. United Way is hit doubly hard; employee giving has decreased while demand for resources has exploded! We know more and more people are reaching out for help in Island County because of the calls 2-1-1 receives asking for information and referrals for food, utilities and monthly rent.

Although today’s challenging economy has added pressure and urgency within all segments of society, United Way’s commitment to set bold goals, forge effective partnerships, achieve meaningful results, and fulfill an ambitious goal – to create opportunities for everyone – has never been more important.

Each day United Way plays many roles; convener, partner, provider, funder and advocate. The value of a dollar increases dramatically when invested within our unique model, and it drives progress across all three of our IMPACT areas: Helping Children and Youth Succeed, Strengthening & Supporting Families; Supporting Vulnerable and Aging Populations.

In the years ahead, our success will require new levels of collaboration and innovation. And ongoing investment too! Join us in completing our Community Needs Survey at www.unitedwayic.org to address the greatest health and human needs in Island County.

The priority needs being addressed are: Education (helping children and youth achieve their potential through education), Income (helping families become financial stable and independent) and Health (improving people’s health), all the building blocks of a good life. Together we can accomplish outcomes that no government, no organization, no company and no individual can accomplish on its own.

To the citizens of Island County I say, your support of Island County has been extraordinary and it gives me the courage to make an extraordinary request of you. Will you join me in increasing your 2009 contribution? Or if you have never given to United Way would you give a donation this year? United Way partner agencies have never needed our support more!

Thank you for your ongoing commitment and shared enthusiasm to take action, inspire hope and create opportunities for a better tomorrow.

Cathy Niiro

Executive Director

United Way of Island County