LETTER TO THE EDITOR | Cell tower could help

Editor, Bruce Buls describes the Possession Park cell tower project as “ill-conceived.”


Bruce Buls describes the Possession Park cell tower project as “ill-conceived.”

Perhaps so, but I request he offer a better conceived project.

I own a cell phone. I use it infrequently; seldom for entertainment and socializing. Mainly I have it for emergencies, so I can dial 9-1-1 and, if need be, family and friends.

It doesn’t work at our house in the woods; it often does not work at other locations on Whidbey.

I have dialed 9-1-1 in the past, for medical emergencies and to request police. Fire is always a possibility, though I am fortunate I haven’t needed to make that call.

The edition of The Record as Mr. Buls’ letter reported a fatal motorcycle-automobile crash. Anyone involved in or witness to such a mishap is going to reach for their cell phone to call help.

Imagine if you are in such a situation and there is no reception.

I love the beauty and ecology of Whidbey and try to maintain our house and woodland in a way compatible with the beauty and serenity of Whidbey Island. Unfortunately, all life involves tradeoffs and difficult decisions. The only way to keep Whidbey Island “completely pristine,” would be for every human being to vacate the island and leave it to the deer, raccoons, coyotes, finches and crows.

As a less extreme suggestion, I request that Mr. Buls propose a reasonable way to reconcile our desire to keep Whidbey beautiful and each of our lives safe.

Stephen Kahn
