Whidbey Telecom gives back to the community

In the spirit of giving back and in recognition of the many needs in the community during the holidays, Whidbey Telecom recently donated $5,000 to the Good Cheer Food Bank in the name of the employees of Whidbey Telecom and its Internet, Data Center and Cloud Computing subsidiary, FiberCloud, Inc.

In the spirit of giving back and in recognition of the many needs in the community during the holidays, Whidbey Telecom recently donated $5,000 to the Good Cheer Food Bank in the name of the employees of Whidbey Telecom and its Internet, Data Center and Cloud Computing subsidiary, FiberCloud, Inc.

Kathy McLaughlin, executive director of Good Cheer, was extremely thankful for the donation.

“Whidbey Telecom is as committed as Good Cheer in creating a hunger-free community. In the past, with the hosting of food drives, to monetary and time donations for the capital campaign, to monetary donations for programming, to event sponsors and now the gifting on behalf of their employees,” she said.

“We are so blessed to live in a community where the employed extend their gratitude by reaching out to help those less fortunate,” McLaughlin added.

Good Cheer received the donation on Dec. 11.

Whidbey Telecom continues to be a proud supporter of the local community and believes in contributing to projects and groups that strengthen communities, making them more desirable places in which to live and work.