Dog attack at Bayview dog park puts fear in visitors | LETTER TO THE EDITOR

I am writing regarding the unfortunate incident at the Bayview dog park Easter weekend. An aggressive Rottweiler nearly killed a dog (the dog might be dead) in a terrible fight; blood everywhere, people in a panic not able to control the dog.

To the editor:

I am writing regarding the unfortunate incident at the Bayview dog park Easter weekend.

An aggressive Rottweiler nearly killed a dog (the dog might be dead) in a terrible fight; blood everywhere, people in a panic not able to control the dog.

A sign clearly stating “no aggressive dogs” means nothing. This means a lot of us cannot use the park anymore for fear of another attack — a lot of enjoyment for dog and owner gone.

I hope the owner of this animal realizes what he has caused.

P.S. Perhaps an attendant, big and brawny, would help.

Peggy Newsome
