Tomorrow morning at South Whidbey Community Church Pastor Darrell Wenzek concludes the section of “Threats to Christian Community” with a sermon title of “A Warning About What’s Right”, based on 1st John 3:4-12.
Pastor Wenzek asserts, “Christian community requires the practice of Christian principles.”
Sunday worship is from 10 to 11 a.m. and is preceded by an adult learning forum at 9 with Stan Walker leading a study in the Book of Second Corinthians, and Rick Zapata leading a study in the Book of Acts. These are open classes and everyone is invited.
Home Bible studies are also offered; check the church website for times and locations.
All SWCC sermons and special adult forum events are recorded, and are available at
SWCC is a local independent, non-denominational church that welcomes everyone and gathers for worship at the Deer Lagoon Grange, 5142 Bayview Road.
For further information about the church and services, call 221-1220.