They got us into this mess | LETTER TO THE EDITOR

To the editor.

Mr. Holmes is correct, the numbers pertaining to the trip to India were inflated.

Not by myself. The intent was to draw attention to the excesses surrounding trips by Obama, Reid, Pelosi and others, at taxpayer expense.

Current economic conditions demand that our nation’s leaders set a good example. Vacations in Hyannis Port and other expensive locations, tours of various golf courses, etc. highlight the extravagant behavior this current administration pursues. Madame Pelosi is a “poster child” for wasting taxpayers’ money by demanding an Air Force jet to fly her hither and yon. No small plane for her! The liquor bill she has run up is well over a million dollars while she and family members travel royally, all at our expense.

Congratulations to Rick Larsen and Patty Murray for their next terms in office where they can vote themselves, and all of Congress, another 3-percent raise, just like the current one in the budget. Of course, those on Social Security gladly gave up their COLA so Congress would not suffer.

Are we to believe the inflated numbers of new jobs created by the “stimulus”? Oddly enough, they are not in the private sector. The jobs are in government. Oh my, how generously those are endowed. The number of government employees who earn $150,000 per year (plus perks) has nearly doubled. That really makes the economy grow. Not yours, stupid. No, those poor deserving slaves in DC and other bastions of regulatory control who try so hard to look busy. Imagine this, on a public servant’s salary they could become millionaires. After all, it is possible. Currently 40 percent of those in Congress became millionaires on public salaries. Amazing.

Please congratulate yourselves on re-electing too many of those who got us into the mess we are in. You deserve it.

Robert Turner
