50 years ago
Editor: Ace Comstock
Fire causes $86,440 total loss in property damage during 1965
“District Fire Chief E. M. Hunter announced a total loss of $86,440 from fires in South Whidbey during 1965. He made the estimate in his annual report given at a district fire commissioners meeting last Thursday.
“Nearly half the loss was from one house fire, according to Hunter. In this particular fire there was $35,000 of personal property lost along with $8,000 damage to the building.
“Of the house fires, six were total losses. In four of these cases, Hunter said no one was present and the fire was discovered by neighbors when the house was already ‘totally involved.’ ”
25 years ago
Editor: Jim Larsen
Dog House nominated to register
“The state’s Department of Community Development has informed the city of Langley that the Dog House Tavern will be considered by the Washington State Advisory Council on Historic Preservation for nomination to the National Register of Historic Places.
“According to the letter, dated Jan. 30, listing of the ‘Olympic Club’ (Dog House) in the National Register provides recognition of the property’s historic importance and assures protective review of federal projects that might adversely affect the character of historic property.”
15 years ago
Editor: Jim Larsen
Just 5 percent donate all of region’s blood supply
“Once every three months South Whidbey’s faithful 5 percent flock to the American Legion Hall to give blood. Monday it was that time, when the seven-member Puget Sound Blood Center mobile team arrived to take the precious donations of blood. Tom Richards, a senior mobile technician, estimated the crew would take 65 pints of blood that day, perhaps more.”