LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Candidate is a consensus builder

To the editor:

I’m ready to be represented in Coupeville by a woman, especially one who is a consensus builder and who wants to protect the quality of life in Island County that we all love.

That woman is Helen Price Johnson.

As a business owner herself, Helen will look out for the interests of business owners. Having lived on Whidbey for more than 40 years, she’s seen many changes to our islands. She wants to make sure we protect the environment. She knows that growth is inevitable and recognizes that future growth must be done smartly.

Helen has lived, worked and volunteered on Whidbey for more than 40 years and currently serves on the South Whidbey School Board, having served as both president and vice president of that board. Helen has demonstrated that to get things done one needs to be a team builder; listening to all sides and working together to reach decisions that will benefit all parties.

The top two winners of the primary election on Aug. 19 will go on to the general election in November. There are four candidates for this position. Helen needs our support now to guarantee her a spot on the November ballot.

I urge voters to join me in support of Helen Price Johnson for our county commissioner. Among the field, she’s simply the most qualified and the best candidate for the job.

Claudia Fuller
