LETTER TO THE EDITOR | Dubious of beach poisoning claim

Editor, This is a rebuttal to Ms. Azar and her claim of people knowingly poisoning dogs I highly doubt that anyone either using medical edibles or purchasing recreational edibles would leave them on a beach for a dog to find. To begin with, the cost alone is prohibitive and medical users will not just discard their medicine. I am willing to bet they got into something very rotten from the sea; it is a beach after all. Please don’t put any more stigma than there already is on those of us who use it as medicine and the adults who choose to use it recreationally.


This is a rebuttal to Ms. Azar and her claim of people knowingly poisoning dogs I highly doubt that anyone either using medical edibles or purchasing recreational edibles would leave them on a beach for a dog to find. To begin with, the cost alone is prohibitive and medical users will not just discard their medicine. I am willing to bet they got into something very rotten from the sea; it is a beach after all. Please don’t put any more stigma than there already is on those of us who use it as medicine and the adults who choose to use it recreationally.


Oak Harbor