The Holiday Season is difficult for those without a home and means to do all they would like for their families. Thanks to the Whidbey community, the homeless individuals and families we host at the House of Hope experienced an unexpected outpouring of cheer and good will from individuals, community clubs, businesses and churches. There was sufficient food, gifts and decorations for us to spread the cheer to those formerly in the House of Hope who now have their own housing but live on marginal resources.
The relief of parents and the joy for these children are especially appreciated. You know who you are. Know too that we are thankful.
A New Year starts and we return to our every day work, school, homes. For the homeless, there are no every day assurances. They live in persistent uncertainty and struggle to meet basic needs, feed themselves, find jobs and housing. Please make Christmas an all-year observance and remember the homeless as you enjoy the bounty that our lives produce. In deepest gratitude,
South Whidbey Homeless Coalition board president