LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Rec center is affordable

To the editor:

I am writing to commend the parks and recreation commissioners on their effort to provide our wonderful community of South Whidbey with the most affordable recreation center with the most diversity for about $68 a year to build and operate.

Yes, $68 a year to build and operate. (See www.yesCRC.org, Financial Facts you should know.)

Despite the sensationalism of thousands and millions of dollars that have blazed across the front page of the South Whidbey Record, when the commissioners break down the cost in monthly terms for taxpayers we all can see we’re getting a very affordable facility with many financial and health benefits.

To give you some perspective, right now, I pay a private club $88 for 10 master swim sessions of 60 minutes as a nonmember. For some of those sessions I need childcare at $10.

So for me to swim for one hour in one lane of a pool I have to pay $18. If I do this four times a month, that is $72.

I’d rather put my money toward the community recreation center and get more bang for my buck.

Look at what the parks and recreation commissioners are offering us for less than $6 per month in taxes.

A basketball court for my spouse. A climbing wall for my young boys. A room for aerobics and yoga for me and my friends. The infrastructure for tennis courts plus pools for all of us. All of us from children to seniors and everyone in between.

We’ll all be healthier. And happier.

This center is not a luxury. Private clubs are a luxury. The community recreation center gives those who can not afford private facilities access to quality recreation at affordable prices.

Not only can the community recreation center make our community healthier but likely financially better off, too.

For the school district, declining enrollment is an alarming trend but one that can be reversed. What brings families to communities like ours are things like affordable housing and community resources such as the proposed community recreation center.

For the bed-and-breakfast and other merchants of South Whidbey, the community recreation center would be a fabulous attraction to bring weekday or weekend vacationers to “do something” on Whidbey.

“Shop, Play and Stay” on South Whidbey. The community recreation center is such a great “agenda” issue I’m surprise it hasn’t been mentioned in the presidential campaign. Small town values start with community recreation centers!”

Vote yes on the community recreation center!

Erin Simms
