To the editor:
The Veterans Resource Center’s mission is to promote community-based programs to heal the effects of war on veterans, their families and our communities. We wish to thank all the volunteers who are helping get the new VRC Community Activity Center in Freeland ready for use.
We are looking forward to many of you joining us at our Music Fest Benefit on Saturday, Sept. 11, from noon to 6 p.m., rain or shine at the center. Veterans and non veterans have been working together the past couple of months to upgrade electrical, build new interior walls, dry wall, paint and put up signs at our 1796 Main St. facility. Look for the big red VRC sign at the Main Street driveway.
If you would like to volunteer, there are lots of ways to do so including more facility upgrade work and maintenance, ongoing programming needs, board work, fundraising or advisory skills and much more. We are a volunteer-run, 501(c)3 nonprofit. Please call and connect if you have a passion for veterans and their families, or even if you are “just curious” about how you can be a part of the solution for the many challenges our returning veterans and their families are facing locally and nationally.
Your tax deductible donations are gratefully accepted and go toward veteran outreach and advocacy, educational programming and community center operational expenses. Call Judith Gorman at 360-661-7393, leave a message at 321-7226, or drop by the VRC.
Judith Gorman
Veterans Resource Center