Local churches announce topics of Sunday services

South Whidbey churches have announced the topics of Sunday services.

UUCWI looks at the idea of being saved

The first Unitarian Universalist Principle says that every person has inherent worth and dignity, so Unitarian Universalists reject the idea that we need “saving” in the traditional evangelical sense. But most UUs acknowledge that life sometimes shapes us in less-than-productive ways, and that we all need to examine our behavior and move toward a life of service that is happier, more serene and more spiritually satisfying.

Rev. Kit Ketcham will examine these ideas at the Sunday service for the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Whidbey Island.

The service is at 10 a.m. at the church, 20103 Highway 525, just north of Freeland. Values-based children’s religious exploration classes and childcare will be provided.

Check www.whidbey.com/uucwi for details.

Jim Freeman is speaker at Unity

In honor of Unity of Whidbey’s many years of service to our community, Jim Freeman, Conductor of Fun and South Whidbey Record columnist, will speak at 10 a.m. this Sunday, Nov. 8 at Unity.

The church will continue to gather for the next few weeks at Bayview Community Hall, before moving to a brand new Unity home on Crawford Road in Langley.

Freeman’s talk will focus on “Life’s Three Greatest Achievements,” based upon teachings shared by his grandfather during his grandfather’s many years as a Baptist preacher in southeastern Missouri.

Sunday service is on ‘Adam and Fallen Man’

The symbolism of the Adam and Eve story has haunted mortals for thousands of years. Yet Jesus came to teach new truths about humanity’s origins.

On Sunday, Nov. 8, the Christian Science service will examine “Adam and Fallen Man,” and how you can set aside that story to accept yourself as God’s image and likeness.

Everyone is welcome at this healing service, beginning at 10:30 a.m. at 5910 Highway 525 (just north of Bayview and across from Useless Bay Road).

‘Beyond Theology’ series at Langley UMC

Langley United Methodist Church will present “Beyond Theology at 11 a.m. on Sunday.”

The series, which continues for several Sundays, features some of the most interesting voices in religion today, and goes beyond the current conflicts about religion and politics to show a hopeful vision of faith based on the deepest longing of heart and mind.

The series includes Sister Joan Chittister, Huston Smith, Karen Armstrong, Deepak Chopra, Harvey Cox and more. Facilitators are Paul and Jennifer Morris. All are welcome.

Langley UMC will also present an adult forum in the Fireside Room at 11 a.m. every Sunday in November.

SWCC holds special service for veterans

South Whidbey Community Church will hold a special Veteran’s Day Appreciation Service at 10 a.m. Sunday at the Deer Lagoon Grange.

There will be inspirational music by the “Choralaires,” from Calvin Presbyterian Church in Shoreline, and a special message by Pastor/American Legion Chaplain Darrell Wenzek.

Immediately following worship, join the congregation as it reconvenes at the American Legion Hall at 11:45 a.m. for a special Veteran’s Appreciation Celebration, honoring all active and former members of all branches of the armed services.

There will be a United States Marine color guard, and a special performance by the “Choralaires.”

A buffet lunch provided by SWCC and the American Legion Women’s Auxiliary will be served following this ceremony.

All veterans and the public are invited to both Deer Lagoon Grange, and the American Legion Hall.

In order to adequately prepare and set up for this special worship service, the adult learning forum will not meet Sunday, but will resume the following Sunday at its regular time of 9 a.m.

All SWCC sermons and special adult forum lectures are recorded, and copies on CD-R, or e-mailed as Windows audio attachments can be obtained by calling 221-1220.

South Whidbey Community Church is a local independent, non-denominational church that adheres to the National Association of Evangelicals’ Statement of Faith.

It is open to everyone, and gathers for worship each Sunday at the Deer Lagoon Grange in Langley.

For further information about the church, services and home Bible studies, go to www.whidbeychurch.org, or call 221-1220.