To the editor:
We would like to thank everyone who made the first NVC Compassionate Communication Training Workshop on Whidbey with Holly Eckert such a success.
Not only did participants go home with renewed energy for thoughtful communication with others, but proceeds and donations made it possible to contribute to meeting the need for food for families in our community. A big box of food donations went to the Coupeville food bank Gifts from the Heart. The Oak Harbor food bank Help House received a check for $100, as did South Whidbey’s food bank Good Cheer. And the Good Cheer-based WIN program, Whidbey Island Nourishes, which provides free weekend lunches to children, received $404 for lunches and snacks, plus extra snacks were re-donated to the WIN program.
We are hoping some local NVC practice and empathy groups will result from this event. We’ll keep you posted.
Lynn Smith and John Hurd