To the editor:
Our healthcare system is broken, and American families and businesses urgently need a solution. Forty-six million Americans are uninsured, primarily because of high cost. Premiums are growing four times faster than wages. Half of all personal bankruptcies stem from medical expenses
President Obama has challenged Congress to pass real healthcare reform in 2009 that upholds three basic principles:
• Reduce costs by improving efficiency and investing in preventive care.
• Guarantee every American the right to choose a plan and doctor—including a public insurance option.
• Ensure quality, affordable care for every American.
House Resolution 676, which is cosponsored by Washington’s Representatives Jim McDermott and Norm Dicks and 81 other Members of Congress, would do all of the above, including benefits such as long-term care, dental care, and vision care. That is kind of care that our elected representatives have. Isn’t that good enough for all of us?
Tell your elected representatives that you will accept nothing less, and tell them to make it happen now.
James Bruner
Oak Harbor