LETTER TO THE EDITOR | Crime statistics were off base

Editor, Regarding Mr. Linder’s Dec. 5 letter in the paper, “The Islamic State is but a beginning,” I couldn’t let one thing go unchallenged. In the rare case where liberals ascend from emotionalism to logic and reason, they are not noted for accuracy with the “facts” they use, and his falls right in line.


Regarding Mr. Linder’s Dec. 5 letter in the paper, “The Islamic State is but a beginning,” I couldn’t let one thing go unchallenged. In the rare case where liberals ascend from emotionalism to logic and reason, they are not noted for accuracy with the “facts” they use, and his falls right in line.

His statement that violent crime is up 560 percent is so wrong as to be embarrassing. In reality, violent crime is the lowest it’s been for decades going back to 1960 when the FBI started keeping statistics. Minimal research will bear this out. I suspect his other “facts” are equally suspect.

As Daniel Moynihan once said, “You are entitled to your own opinion, but you are not entitled to your own facts.”


Oak Harbor