LETTER TO THE EDITOR | Funk tribute well deserved

Editor, Thank you ever so much for your excellent, so well-deserved and overdue tribute to Wally Funk. I worked with Wally in the ’70s at the Washington State Arts Commission where we became mutual admirers and cohorts to higher grounds. Wally is a rare find these days. He is a genuine human being with vision, generosity, dignity, humility and snappy humor. A precious combination in the world of politics and journalism.


Thank you ever so much for your excellent, so well-deserved and overdue tribute to Wally Funk.

I worked with Wally in the ’70s at the Washington State Arts Commission where we became mutual admirers and cohorts to higher grounds. Wally is a rare find these days. He is a genuine human being with vision, generosity, dignity, humility and snappy humor. A precious combination in the world of politics and journalism.

Wally will get a kick out of this, surely.

Congratulations, with thanks.

