Letting the Island County Fairgrounds overseers plan a RV park without frequent, direct input from Langley planning staff is over.
Mayor Fred McCarthy told city council at its meeting June 3 the planning department would involve itself more with the process henceforth.
Three options exist for the types of spaces for RVs: pull-in, back-in and pull through. Langley is waiting on the fairground to receive funding to update its utilities infrastructure and possible paving or gravelling before it is fully involved to hook up the utilities lines from its grid to the fairground lot.
One of the issues with formalizing the RV spaces, at least as Langley planner Jeff Arango saw it, was that the large grass lot loses its versatility.
“During the fair, I think they jam more people in this area than are designated sites,” he said.
The current plan has RV sites of varying length in four rows spanning the quasi-triangular lot.