Assignment changes hit faculty at South Whidbey School district

The South Whidbey School district announced 14 changes in staff positions.

The South Whidbey School district announced 14 changes in staff positions.

The changes include: Gay Bitts, assistant secretary at the South Whidbey Elementary School, will now be the registrar at South Whidbey High School. Moe Bowman, LSC, behavior support at the elementary school, will now be located at Langley Middle School. Dee Brown, registrar at South Whidbey High School, will now be the new high school counselor. Lisa Davis, teacher at the elementary school, has moved to Langley Middle School and will teach math. Jessie Edwards, custodian at South Whidbey High School, transferred to Langley Middle School as the utilities person. Jim Hall, English teacher at South Whidbey High School, was hired as a new teacher on special assignment (TOSA) for technology at the high school. Deann Houck is returning to the school district and will be the head secretary at South Whidbey Academy. Rachel Kizer, teacher at Langley Middle School, has transferred to the elementary school to teach fourth grade. Karyle Kramer, English and history teacher at South Whidbey Academy, will move to the high school as an English teacher. Susan Milan, elementary school teacher, has moved to Langley Middle School, and will teach science. DeAnn Ross, seventh-grade science teacher at Langley Middle School was just hired on as a teacher on special assignment for technology. Vivian Stembridge, secretary at South Whidbey Academy, will move to the elementary school as the assistant secretary, joining Donna Evans. Jack Terhar, dean of students and athletic director at Langley Middle School, will be back in the classroom as a seventh-grade social studies teacher. Sally Thompson, teacher on special assignment for technology, will now be at Langley Middle School teaching math.