LETTERS TO THE EDITOR | Doctor would rather be fishing

Thank you for the encouragement! I would like to thank my fellow Whidbey Islanders for the many calls and letters of encouragement that I have received over the last several weeks.

To the editor:

Thank you for the encouragement!

I would like to thank my fellow Whidbey Islanders for the many calls and letters of encouragement that I have received over the last several weeks.

Many of you have encouraged me to apply, as a doctor well known to the community, and resident of Coupeville, for the Whidbey General Hospital Board of Directors.

I do deeply appreciate the votes of confidence. At this time, however, I have several unfinished issues with the hospital that will require the board’s consideration.

A new era is beginning for the hospital. A huge step in the right direction has been made with the elimination of the board/administration conflict of interest. As citizens, let’s continue to demand honesty and reform of our local hospital.

Also … halibut season opens Friday! Ling cod season opened this morning. You can talk to me soon for a catch report!

Mark Borden, MD
