No takers on diking lawsuit | LETTER TO THE EDITOR

To the editor:

No one has contacted me since publication of my letter to the editor on Aug. 18, indicating a desire to dewater the Lone Lake basin wetlands so that they can plant crops. Neither has any taxpayer in Diking District 1 indicated willingness to pay attorney fees so that Commissioners Arnold and Gabelein can sue the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to re-instate their permit to pump the wetlands.

The pumping permit was granted with the intention that it would be used during winter months to remove excess storm water, and that historical water levels would be maintained. The reality is that the pump has been run both summer and winter, drastically dewatering the wetlands. The permit was revoked by the Corps of Engineers for violation of the conditions of the agreement as they are required to follow U.S. environmental law that does not permit wetland destruction.

It is time for Commissioner Gabelein to give up his dream of drier land for grazing his cattle and cutting hay and let the Corps of Engineers reinstate the original permit following the recommendations of the Department of Ecology that will preserve the wetlands.

He can then continue his farming business as his family has done for decades, with the added insurance that the pumps are available to prevent excessive flooding of his agricultural land in the winter months. This is an incredibly good deal for him, as he will pay about $76 in diking district taxes this year while the non-farmers will pay the remaining $89,924.

John Shepard
