It is no secret that fear-bred polarization and the potential for serious violence over the upcoming elections is growing. So it is distressing to read my good friend Michael Seraphinoff’s recent letter referring to Elizabeth George’s thoughtful letter as “devious,” and describing those who question the wisdom of Sen. Bernie Sanders’ “revolution” as “passive, manipulated… sheep.”
We Democrats can do better than to ape the cheap rhetoric and ad hominem attacks modeled by some of the Republican candidates. Our nation is as fragile right now as at any time in the past five decades. The work of wise leadership is to hold a steady center and cultivate more reliable political will before calling for a dramatic and dangerous course shift.
However they may choose to vote now, it is my deep hope that in the general election Mr. Seraphinoff and his fellow Sanders supporters will exercise their intrinsic mature wisdom and vote for Hillary Clinton.
Sincerely yours,