Hard choices haven’t been made | LETTER TO THE EDITOR


To the editor:

Island County has a detailed presentation on its Web site about Proposition 1 and the many important services that are paid for out of the general fund for which a property tax increase is sought. Like many people, I think these services are part of the community fabric and need our support.

However, I am far from convinced that the hard choices have been made by our commissioners. The presentation shows that $7.9 million of our annual property taxes go to Island County roads, compared with $7.5 million to the general fund (slide 8). The commissioners say that they cannot switch money from roads to the general fund without being penalized by the state (slide 10). However, why have they not proposed reducing the property taxes levied for roads so as to offset the increase that is being requested for the general fund?

In these tough times, surely we can cut back on resurfacing highways for a year or two in order to protect other parts of the community fabric? Are roads really more important than parks and senior services?

Property taxes are a lousy way to raise money. They do not necessarily correlate with an ability to pay, and they bear harshly on fixed-income seniors seeking to stay in their family home.

Robin Adams
