Nobody likes to see trash strewn along our scenic roadways on Whidbey.
Often it’s unintentional. Someone, however, has decided that it’s OK for them to dispose of their personal garbage along the highway.
I’m referring to a section of State Highway 525 between Cox Drive and Houston Road. Someone is tossing neatly tied shopping bags full of personal garbage out, primarily on the northbound side.
As a daily commuter, I watched the bags accumulating and decided that I could no longer pass by without taking action. I have stopped three times now and gathered more than six full trash bags of this person’s garbage.
Yet, it continues. You can tell a lot from one’s garbage.
This person fancies Fresca soda as nearly each bag has empty cans and they shop at Safeway and Red Apple.
This is completely inexcusable and is a direct insult to all of us who call Whidbey home.
I have asked for assistance from the sheriff’s office and was told that it’s not a priority for them. If anyone reading this thinks they know the culprit, please tell them to stop immediately.
Robert York