Firefighters hold Borton breakfast benefit

"In an effort to help one of their own in his battle against leukemia, firefighters, rescue, and emergency medical personnel from Fire Protection District 3 will hold a benefit pancake breakfast March 11 for Bill Borton. "

“In an effort to help one of their own in his battle against leukemia, firefighters, rescue, and emergency medical personnel from Fire Protection District 3 will hold a benefit pancake breakfast March 11 for Bill Borton.Borton was diagnosed with leukemia late last year and has been going through chemotherapy ever since. Before his diagnosis, he was one of about a dozen local firefighters scheduled to climb the Columbia Tower this month in a benefit for the American Leukemia Society. The Sunday, March 11 breakfast is meant to help Borton with his expenses during the year or two it could take from him to go into remission.FD3 volunteers will cook pancakes, eggs and sausages and serve it all up with milk juice and coffee from 8 a.m. until 1 p.m. at the South Whidbey High School. Those attending the breakfast may give a donation of their choice.The event will also kick off a raffle campaign, with the prizes to be announced. “