Girl Scouts make international connections

About 120 Girl Scouts gathered at the primary school gym last week to make friends and whatchamacallits -- also known as friendship bracelets -- to mark this year's scouting Thinking Day.

“Bailey Auburn, left, and Alanah Johnson are among the 122 South Whidbey Girl Scouts who made friendship bracelets during South Whidbey Girl Scouts Thinking Day, an international scouting holiday. The bracelets will be sent to other scouts in 10 countries. Gayle Saran/staff photoMaking friends and whatchamacallits was the order of business at Girl Scout Thinking Day last week, when 122 girls gathered at the Primary School gym. The South Whidbey unit of 13 troops celebrated the international scouting holiday by creating friendship bracelets called Special Whatchamacallits Affectionately Pinned Somewhere (S.W.A.P.S.) and writing postcards to send to 20 different troops in 10 countries. The care packages will be sent to Girl Scouts in Canada, Australia, South Africa, the United kingdom, Israel, Malaysia, Scotland, China, Panama and Cuba. The idea for the friendship bracelets came from the Internet site, www.making girls chose friendship bracelets from a list of six suggested projects. Postcard exchanges have been going on for four years. Not only do the scouts swap cards with international friends, but several of the troops swapped cards last month with many national troops. Many were able to trade with every state.One of the benefits of the postcard exchange is that pen pal friendships are created between South Whidbey scouts and scouts from other states and countries, said Jody Jeffers, one of the organizers of Thinking Day. Along with all the busy projects that took place, the Girl Scouts enjoyed refreshments, played many international games, and got mini lessons from volunteer parents about the history of Girl Scouts from Australia, Canada and the United kingdom. Participating scouts ranged in age from 6 to 15.The next unit gathering is Monday, March 12 for Girl Scout Birthday. For more information about South Whidbey Girl Scouts check out their Web site at “