Langley sewer committee organized

Langley's new working committee on sewer expansion will start operating once Mayor Lloyd Furman finds 10 citizens willing to serve.

“Langley’s new working committee on sewer expansion will start operating once Mayor Lloyd Furman finds 10 citizens willing to serve.City Administrator Eric Lucas told the city council last week that Furman is presently interviewing prospective candidates. One major issue the committee will deal with is the size of the ULID (Utility Local Improvement District) needed to provide sewer service to property owners who want it.Ideally, said Lucas, there will be a single ULID. But, answering a question from councilmember Neil Colburn, Lucas acknowledged that if one area of the city is heavily against sewers, and another highly favorable, the ULID boundary could be adjusted accordingly.Furman later said that the city has five distinct areas, and he hopes to appoint two citizens from each area to the committee. He also will serve on the committee, along with council members Colburn and Ray Honerlah, with support from city staff.Meetings will be held in each community to gather input. Furman said other issues may also be discussed, such as drainage and road repairs. There’s going to be a lot of questions, he said.The city is looking for areas willing to accept sewers. Furman said costs for typical homeowners will likely be in the $10,000 to $15,000 range. It could be higher depending on the area and type of property.Furman said he hopes the new committee can begin meeting later this month.The February regular council meeting lasted barely 20 minutes. The council also appointed Loretta Martin and JoAnne Lechner to the Islandwide Tourism Promotion Committee for Langley. Martin will represent the Chamber of Commerce, while Lechner will be the lodging industry representative. “