South Whidbey teens schedule spring concert

Ask some South Whidbey teens if there are enough activities for them "on the rock" and the answer will be no.

Ask some South Whidbey teens if there are enough activities for them “on the rock” and the answer will be no.

In an effort to change that response, the Youth Leadership Council from the South Whidbey Youth Center has organized six teen dances during the past year.

The final activity, a concert, is scheduled for Friday beginning at 7 p.m. at Bayview Hall.

Coordinator of the project, Jenny Sand said, “These events have offered teens a safe, drug free environment.”

Sand said the need for evening activities was identified by high school and middle school teens themselves in a survey conducted by South Whidbey Youth Center’s youth leadership council three years ago.

It was mentioned again during a community-wide assets survey the same year and again during a conference to plan an intergenerational center for seniors and youth.

“About that time a group of South Whidbey Youth Center leadership council teens decided to take this project on and have developed a program of monthly concerts by and for teens,” Sand said.

They now own $4,000 worth of sound and DJ equipment and have spawned at least two new local bands Spider Meowing and Wicked Ladies.

Stephanie Patrick of Spider Meowing and a youth council board member said in addition to local musicians, bands from Bainbridge and Vashon Islands and Coupeville will perform playing everything from alternative to EMO punk, hardrock and blues.

For more information about the Youth Leadership Council, contact Jennifer Sand at or call 321-7203.