Hearts and Hammers starts volunteer drive

"The Hearts and Hammers annual workday is set for Saturday, May 5, and the drive to sign up volunteers has begun. This week letters will be sent to over 30 homeowners on South Whidbey to let them know that they can expect work crews on that first Saturday in May. "

“Some of the more than 400 volunteers at last year’s Hearts and Hammers workday take on the tasks of carpentry, cleaning and hauling at one of the 36 homes whose owners needed the help.>The Hearts and Hammers annual workday is set for Saturday, May 5, and the drive to sign up volunteers has begun. This week letters will be sent to over 30 homeowners on South Whidbey to let them know that they can expect work crews on that first Saturday in May. Last year more than 400 people spent the day helping out their neighbors, and it looks like that many will be needed once again, said Randy Hudson of Hearts and Hammers.This will be the eighth year that this nonprofit all volunteer organization has mobilized to work on repairs and maintenance at the homes of people physically or financially unable to do the work themselves. All materials and labor are free to the homeowners thanks to a year-round fund-raising effort, discounts, and donations in kind from local businesses. The yearly effort has grown in scope and popularity not only due to increasing need in the community, but in large measure because of what the volunteers get out of the day. The rewards of lending a helping hand to neighbors in need, and the joy of sharing the day with so many like-minded community members makes for a wonderful experience that draws folks year after year, Hudson said. Ask anyone who has been involved and you will hear enthusiastic reports of accomplishment, fellowship, and goodwill.The big workday begins with everyone gathering in the High School commons for coffee, rolls, and work assignments. Folks then disperse to the various house sites and spend the day painting, building, roofing, gardening, hauling debris, or whatever else is needed. Meanwhile, a crew of kitchen helpers spends the day preparing a celebratory dinner, to which all volunteers and homeowners are invited that evening.If you would like to participate, Hearts and Hammers needs to hear from you as soon as possible, and in any event no later than March 25. All manner of volunteers are needed, from skilled labor to weed pullers. If you want to help there is a job for you. There will be 33 teams needed for the day, including crews for the firewood site, recycling site, and dinner preparation. A special call is being put out this year for people who have pickup trucks. Many trucks are needed to move debris and deliver wood. Even if you can only drive, it is helpful, as other volunteers handle the loading. Each year many people who intend to be involved put off submitting the forms, but much organization and planning needs to be done beforehand, so please sign up now, Hudson urged. Volunteer forms are available at local building supply stores, nurseries, libraries, post offices, The Clyde Theater box office, and the Langley Visitor Center; or by calling Hudson at 360.341.6382. “