Southend’s millennium baby born

A South Whidbey couple are the proud parents of the first baby born to a local family in the new millennium.

“A South Whidbey couple are the proud parents of the first baby born to a local family in the new millennium.A son was born to Kathleen and Craig Izett on Saturday, Jan. 1, at 4:36 p.m. at Providence Hospital in Everett. The Izetts are a well known local family. The baby boy, named Spencer Findley Izett, is the first grandson of Don and Sandy Izett of Langley. “They’ve been waiting 20 years for a grandchild and this is their first one,” said Mike Dalton, Sandy’s employer at Dalton Realty in Clinton.Spencer weighed 8 pounds, 3 1/2 ounces at birth.Whidbey General Hospital is still waiting to deliver its first South Whidbey baby of the year 2000, but the wait won’t be much longer.Trish Rose of the hospital’s community relations department said the baby of a South Whidbey couple is scheduled to be delivered today, Jan. 5, by caesarean section.Rose expressed surprise that no baby was born at the hospital on Jan. 1, 2, 3 or 4. “We don’t have a baby,” she said Tuesday, “and I’ve been checking it pretty religiously.” A New Year’s baby was born at the Navy hospital in Oak Harbor.Often times the first baby honors on South Whidbey go to the clients of Cynthia Jaffe’s Greenbank Birth Center. But this year that didn’t happen.“I had two hopefuls but they both went early,” Jaffe said, explaining that the babies were born several days before the new millennium.”