Letter: Hearts and Hammers works to help build our community


Hearts and Hammers is one of a number of South Whidbey organizations that offer a helping hand to our more vulnerable neighbors. This year, our 25th anniversary, we assisted about 50 local homeowners to remain in their homes by keeping their living quarters safe, warm and dry.

Our annual Work Day (always the first Saturday in May) attracted nearly 400 volunteers who each dedicated a day to help our neighbors.

Whether working at home sites or preparing meals, volunteers worked side-by-side with new friends, making new connections and weaving a web of caring in our community. After a day of work, home owners joined volunteers to share a professionally prepared evening meal, regaled by the Open Circle singers who performed a specially composed song to honor our silver anniversary.

It is indeed OUR community’s anniversary. Thankfully we continue, year after year after year, to contribute to each other’s abundance and quality of life.

We on the Board of Hearts and Hammers are deeply grateful for: all the members of our community who turn out on the work day; the many businesses who contribute materials and services; Island County’s significant support for disposal costs; and for all of you who put checks in the mail to us.

Each and every one of you gives of yourself to make this community the warm, inclusive, supportive place we call home.

For that, we thank you from the bottoms of our Hearts… (and Hammers, of course).

Baz Stevens, President

Hearts & Hammers Board of Directors
