Attendance and accuracy seem to be the top two issues for former co-workers and Island County treasurer candidates Wanda Grone and Ana Maria Nuñez.
Island County’s early budget draft aims to restore a number of positions and pushes to upgrade technologies.
A public hearing for the budget draft has been set for 6 p.m. Oct. 6.
No one is happy with fish and wildlife protection regulations approved Monday, but Island County commissioners are saying it’s a place to start.
As Island County enters its annual budget cycle, preliminary numbers show rebounding tax figures.
County fees for permit and consulting services could see a few changes in the near future, under a proposal being considered by the Island County commissioners.
A rural event center permit issued to Whidbey Wayfarer Farm in Langley has been appealed by neighbors who aren’t too excited about weddings in their Bayview Road neighborhood.
A plan to revamp Greenbank Farm and increase its economic viability won’t be considered by the Port of Coupeville until next year.
A year after the creation of the BaRC Re-tail Store, charged with taking reusable items out of the garbage stream, the Central Whidbey venue is thriving.
Researchers search for tsunami evidence in two Whidbey Island locations have come up empty.
Environmental activists plan to challenge Island County in the Western Washington Growth Management Hearing Board again if major changes aren’t made to fish, wildlife and habitat regulations.
As the county struggles to find a balance between protecting the environment and farmers’ right to maintain their land, neither camp appears happy with the latest regulatory update.
A flag now flies in front of the county’s historic court house building on a pole that has been broken for more than 10 years.
A farmer’s right to maintain drainage ditches without regulation was at the core of Monday’s debate on fish and wildlife protections at the Island County commissioners meeting.