South Whidbey parks director Terri Arnold likely violated multiple state laws when she set up a new credit-card payment system for the parks district without approval, Island County Treasurer Linda Riffe said Wednesday.
Goosefoot Community Fund and the Myers Group will hold the grand opening of The Goose grocery store at Bayview Center on Sept. 16.
A new day is dawning for South Whidbey High School boys basketball.
School begins next Tuesday, but Mike Johnson is already engaged in some serious homework.
What if you held a fishing derby and nobody came?
Washington State Ferries is moving forward with its study of a proposed reservation system on selected routes.
Outside, the fields, courts and tracks are noisy with the sounds of kids and coaches gearing up for a new season of sports at South Whidbey High School.
When Aileen Covert joined the Senior Striders walking club a few years ago, she had some problems getting around.
Not any more.
Any young South Whidbey High School athletes thinking the first day of practice would be a snap were quickly disabused of that notion.
Five Clinton residents have filed with the Island County Auditor’s Office to fill Lynae Slinden’s remaining two years as commissioner for the Port of South Whidbey.
The South Whidbey Parks & Recreation District has approved $6,000 for installation of a sign for the Trustland Trails entrance off Craw Road and Highway 525.
As of Friday, Island Transit’s proposal for a sales-tax increase had passed by a 55-45 percent margin, according to the latest vote tally from Island County elections staff.
The Whidbey Western Games Association will hold its 12th O-Mok-See this weekend at the Island County Fairgrounds.