Conservatives have selective memory | LETTER TO THE EDITOR

I am compelled to respond to Mr. Brauer’s Teabagger Party-style incoherent rant against “Liberals.” I firmly believe that “silence is the voice of complicity,” so I will speak my mind. It appears that Mr. Brauer may be what he considers a conservative, and what I would consider a person to be lacking short-term memory.

To the editor:

I am compelled to respond to Mr. Brauer’s Teabagger Party-style incoherent rant against “Liberals.”

I firmly believe that “silence is the voice of complicity,” so I will speak my mind.

It appears that Mr. Brauer may be what he considers a conservative, and what I would consider a person to be lacking short-term memory.

People of the conservative ilk looked the other way when our treasury was being sacked by their conservative brethren to be used to slaughter poor people the world over for profit. This happened, and conservatives were silent. This is typical of the selective memory I have observed in conservatives lately.

I think if you did your math, Mr. Brauer, you would find that there has been several trillion dollars wasted on military boondoggles. This in a country that professes to want peace, a country that professes to be a Christian nation, a country that spends more on the military/oil machine that all other countries combined. Do the math.

Jesus said, “That which you do to the least among you, you do to me.” Look around you and tell me this is what you actually see demonstrated by this country that purports to be a Christian nation.

In your rant, you denigrate education, yet you don’t address how important an educated populace is, a populace that is capable of critical thought, a populace that can actually follow the money and pick through the lies perpetrated on media-gullible people that actually believe the likes of Glenn Beck, Sarah Palin, Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, William Kristol, Dick Cheney and Karl Rove.

The attempt at satire went a little flat for me when you wrote, “Let’s bring the troops home from the Middle East. That will save billions to be used to build Fortress America.”

This intimates that the spending of billions to kill a million and displace five million Iraqi human beings, not to mention losing our own children, is a more worthy cause than taking care of our own citizens by educating and caring for them.

The typical conservative seems to try to rewrite recent history to make it look like President Obama is doing all this damage to America.

The biggest problem America has today are the conservatives, as their policies over the last 30 years have done more to damage America than any other group on earth, including terrorists. President Obama is just trying to undo some of the damage.

By the way, the “swamp critter” was Pogo and he said, “We have met the enemy and it is us.” He was right.

Dan Freeman
