Diking District’s Shepard represents the public | LETTER TO THE EDITOR

I have read Mr. McGrath’s comments in your publication and would like to shed light on what he claims to be frivolous and antagonistic behavior of Diking District 1 Commissioner John Shepard. He claims that a small group of residents are making a big stink about the several hundred thousand dollar pumping station and weir installed over a year ago; many of whom are paying for this and not truly gaining benefit.

To the editor:

I have read Mr. McGrath’s comments in your publication and would like to shed light on what he claims to be frivolous and antagonistic behavior of Diking District 1 Commissioner John Shepard.

He claims that a small group of residents are making a big stink about the several hundred thousand dollar pumping station and weir installed over a year ago; many of whom are paying for this and not truly gaining benefit.

By what standards Mr. McGrath considers a small group may be from his large city perspective; but here on south Whidbey Island well over 120 individuals are supportive of John Shepard and preservation of the wetlands that are being pumped below normal seasonal levels. More than 120 individuals have signed a petition in support of maintaining the weir at its historic levels.

Many in my neighborhood of Olympic Marine view consider John Shepard a hero.

John Shepard is a reasonable man who works tirelessly (I saw him on Christmas Eve. cleaning out the outflow pipes) for the publics best interest and does not deserve the slander that Mr. McGrath has bestowed on him.

No amount of adverse public relations spin will convince reasonable and educated folks that John Shepard should resign. To the contrary; I have personally attended most Diking District 1 meetings since October 2008, and it is my opinion and perspective that out of the three Diking District 1 commissioners, that John Shepard is the one I feel truly represents the public’s best interests. He should remain, and two new commissioners equally committed to the public and environment’s best interest be voted on.

Dr. Joel Shrut
