It’s a non-question for me | LETTER TO THE EDITOR

To the editor: As a former employee of Whidbey General Hospital, I can and do unreservedly support WGH’s request for a bond issue to build a new inpatient wing.

To the editor:

As a former employee of Whidbey General Hospital, I can and do unreservedly support WGH’s request for a bond issue to build a new inpatient wing.

All of us who live on Whidbey need a hospital that will allow its staff to provide the best- known care, and our current building doesn’t. The new wing will. Like everyone else, I don’t want to pay more in taxes, but the increase in tax that this wing will cost me relative to the benefits I and everyone else on the island will receive makes it a non-question for me.

Everyone who comes through WGH’s doors is the neighbor of someone who works or volunteers there, and is treated as such. We all need and rely on our neighbors in many ways, and this bond is one. Please vote, and please vote YES.

Sally Fox
