To the editor:
Mr. Story has focused on South Whidbey and the need for jobs locally. Should the boundary be expanded to include Central Whidbey and the South End?
Depending on where a person lives, geographically Classic Road has been the north boundary line of South Whidbey. But, there are many commuters who travel daily from as far north as Oak Harbor and ferry across to their employment.
The writer asks “Where’s the high-tech education on the island?” A key factor would be money to pay highly qualified personnel as teachers in our local schools, or other locations.
Finding suitable facilities and equipment for training those who are graduates, or need re-training since becoming unemployed, could be a formidable cost factor.
To approach our county government for funds is out of the question considering the budget woes oft quoted. Conservation Futures funding does not include “education” for private citizens, only acquisition of debts by organizations buying land for “public ownership.”
Purportedly to add jobs (under county jurisdiction) the county takes more land off the tax rolls, and loses tax revenue. Most peculiar! Not when you are seeking to keep your job and gratify your employers, Mr. and Ms. Voting Taxpayer.
Town hall meetings should include property owners, business leaders and those persons seeking gainful employment on the island.
I applaud Mark Story for trying to improve and enlarge the work force on Whidbey.