I will not pretend that I am sorry to see Joe Biden bow out of the Presidential race, but having watched the lame press conference just now, I marvel at the continuing lack of honesty and perception this president has. He owes the country a better explanation than it is time for a new generation to take control of the nation. That should have been said a year ago, not after running the next generation out of the race.
Even if it was a lie, it would have been more honest if he had claimed that his doctors told him he wouldn’t survive a second term, so he decided to spend what time he had left enjoying his family. But that would put the question of whether he should finish his current term. I’m sure he would have braved the future and insisted on fulfilling his commitment. Lies all, but when has he ever been honest?
The fact is he couldn’t compete, and the Democrat establishment will do almost anything to stay in power. The presidential organizer, Obama, orchestrated a palace coup to make the election more competitive. Not that he is thrilled with the Kamala replacement, but at least there may be fewer down ticket losses.
If I were a compassionate man, I would feel sorry for those Democrat voters who have been cut out of the democratic process so that the power brokers of their party might install a new puppet. But I can’t feel sorry for people who can see the failure a candidate’s policies bring yet still vote for him and do it again and again.
I know the progressives put a lot of importance on someone being “first,” but I would prefer someone who is competent no matter what their ethnicity, sex, or other attributes may be, and I want it to be by mutual choice of my fellow citizens, and not some back-room cabal.
Fred Wilferth